用于铺路, 停车场, 机场等等, asphalt mixtures have been utilized in pavement construction since the beginning of the twentieth century. With such an important role in many projects, asphalt testing 和 inspection is a common practice. 最近, there’s been an even greater emphasis on quality asphalt testing due to new technologies, increased construction liability 和 revised building st和ards.
沥青 testing 和 inspection act as a sort of quality insurance for the product. 原始数据, calculations 和 allowable tolerances are all recorded to verify that all specifications are met 和 that the mix will be reliable once in position. It also allows for problems to be fixed before the asphalt is brought on site.
Testing encompasses all aspects of designing, building 和 maintaining asphalt structures. From industry st和ards to basic safety tests, it is necessary to examine asphalt in all of its forms. 测量比例, 一致性, viscosity 和 other qualities helps to ensure the best field performance of an asphalt mixture.
While many asphalt tests are done both in laboratory 和 field settings, below are some of the most common:
Through asphalt analysis, the contents 和 elements of a specific asphalt mix are thoroughly tested. Proportions are measured to guarantee st和ards are met. This category involves many specialized evaluations that use products such as 粘结剂萃取器, 溶剂萃取器 和 沥青溶剂回收.
沥青’s binder content influences many elements of HMA mixture performance such as strength, 耐用性, 刚度, 发情的, 湿气损害. Because of this, asphalt binder testing is vital for both safety 和 longevity. A variety of these tests are used depending on the asphalt’s needs.
平衡混合设计 is a specific mix design that uses performance tests to address multiple of distress. It is used to relate laboratory mix design to actual field performance. This innovative process takes into account aging, traffic, climate 和 location when giving results.
Dynamic tests help to determine if an asphalt mixture is strong enough for the project. Strain 和 permanent deformation under pressure is observed 和 quantified to determine asphalt’s viscous properties.
Many different tests are used to determine the road quality of asphalt. They test everything from asphalt’s properties 和 design to its performance on site. These tests are usually done in the field 和 ensure that the asphalt being used is made correctly 和 suitable for the job.
One of the most important road quality tests is the 核密度计试验. The results produced from these tests are utilized in order to produce evenly paved roads with a resilient surface. Without accurate asphalt density calculations, roads are not built to the proper specifications 和 are prone to premature 发情的.
Read our blog for more information on using the hamburg wheel track test for balanced mix design.
洪堡 provides a variety of asphalt testing equipment to ensure accuracy 和 efficiency while testing the performance of asphalt mixes. All meet industry st和ards 和 are made of high-grade materials. 一些特定的工具包括 弯曲梁流变仪, 透度计, 压实工具, 加载框架, 核指标.
If looking for the proper materials for your testing needs, contact a 洪堡 representative for more information or specifications on our complete line of asphalt testing products 和 equipment.