- AAPT (Association of 沥青 Pavement Technologists)
- AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and 运输ation Officials)
- ACI (American 混凝土 Institute)
- ACPA (American 混凝土 Pavement Association)
- AGS (Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists)
- APAI (沥青 Pavement Association of Indiana)
- ASBI (American Segmental Bridge Institute)
- ASCC (American Society of 混凝土 Contractors)
- ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- CAPA (Colorado 沥青 Pavement Association)
- CFA (混凝土 Foundations Association of North America)
- Colorado Association of Geotechnical Engineers
- EAPA (European 沥青 Pavement Association)
- Flexible Pavements of Ohio
- 有
- ICPI (Interlocking 混凝土 Pavement Institute)
- ILDA(独立)
- ISTA (Illinois Soil Testing Association)
- LAPA (LA 沥青 Pavement Association)
- LPA (实验室 Products Association)
- Louisiana 运输ation Research Center
- Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists
- Masonry Institute of America
- NACE国际
- NAPA (National 沥青 Paving Association)
- National 混凝土 Masonry Association
- NCAT (National Center for 沥青 Technology)
- NICET, National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies
- New York 建筑材料 Association
- North Central Superpave Center (NCSC) - Purdue
- NRMCA (National Ready Mixed 混凝土协会)
- NSSGA (National Stone, Sand, & 碎石协会)
- OAIMA (Ohio 总s and Industrial Mineral Association)
- Pacific Coast SHRP Superpave Facility, Berkeley
- PAIKY (Plant mix 沥青 Industry of Kentucky)
- PCA (Portland 水泥 Association)
- PCI (Precast/Prestressed 混凝土 Institute)
- SmartScholar Civil Engineering Resource Guide
- South Central Superpave Center (SCSC) - U. 德州奥斯丁
- TCA (Tilt-Up 混凝土协会)
- 混凝土社会
- TTI (Texas 运输ation Institute)
- TRB (运输ation Research Board)
- 华盛顿聚集 & 混凝土协会
- WAPA (Washington 沥青 Pavement Association)
- WOA(沥青世界)
- WOC(混凝土世界)
- WRI (Wire Reinforcement Institute)
- U.S. 陆军工程兵团