土力学试验是岩土工程的一项基本内容. It is used to obtain information on the physical properties of soil used in earthworks and 基金会, as well as the stress applied to these structures by surface and subsurface conditions. Soil mechanics provides the theoretical basis for analysis of soils in geotechnical engineering. 的se tests are used to analyze the deformation of the soil and the flow of fluids within natural and man-made structures that are supported on or made of soil, 包括埋在土壤中的结构. 示例应用程序是建筑和桥梁基础, 挡土墙, 大坝, 埋地管道系统. 的 principles of soil mechanics are also used in related disciplines such as engineering geology, 地球物理工程, 海岸工程, 农业工程, 水文和土壤物理.
洪堡的 soil mechanics section on this website and in our catalog covers the following testing procedures: consolidation, 直接和残余剪切和三轴试验. 它还包括洪堡的数据采集设备、配件和软件.
固结试验是任何土力学试验程序的基本组成部分. It is a process in which a soil sample undergoes a volumetric change due to the application of some type of 加载. Placing a load on a soil sample results in a reduction in the void space within the soil. In the laboratory, this load can be applied pneumatically or by simply placing weights on the sample. This process simulates the effects of real-world forces placed on soil whether from simple compaction or building structures on the soil. Incremental consolidation tests can be conducted by applying load increments to a soil sample for predetermined lengths of time. 通常,负载增量是通过将以前的负载加倍来实现的.
执行增量整合测试的原因可能有所不同, 但是在大多数情况下, 该试验是为了确定特定土壤的沉降特性. 例如, 当建筑建成时, the underlying soil is impacted by the load that has been applied and expels 水 from its voids. 随着水被排出,土壤开始沉降,从而影响到上面的建筑物. 在这种情况下,工程师对沉降的大小和速率感兴趣. 在某些情况下,建筑荷载可能导致土壤下沉数英尺. 固结试验预测沉降量和速率. 固结试验适用于ASTM D2435和D4546,以及AASHTO T216.
洪堡 provides an extensive offering of consolidation testing equipment to satisfy the needs of any soils testing laboratory.
洪堡通信IPC- HM-5470.3F是全自动的, incremental pressure controller for performing consolidation and one-dimensional swell tests, 自动运行, 解放技术人员从事其他任务,并显著缩短测试时间.
洪堡气动固结机- HM-5432.3F是一个紧凑和易于使用, pneumatic consolidation load frame is used to estimate the rate and amount of settlement anticipated for a proposed structure. 的 unit applies loads instantly without impact for stress-controlled consolidation testing.
洪堡自重加固框架- HM-1100A是可靠的, 测定土壤固结自重的重型固结框架.
洪堡整合专用软件-洪堡提供我们的NEXT软件在整合特定的应用程序, 哪个提供特定于整合的设置, 用我们的测试设备操作和控制固结测试过程. 该软件还提供了广泛的表示和报告功能
洪堡固结细胞-洪堡提供固结单元在固定环, 浮动环和固定环渗透性配置. We also provide weights for dead-weight setups and a complete offering of consolidation accessories and replacement parts for machines and cells.
的 direct shear test plays an important part in soil mechanics testing and is a method for determining the consolidated drained shear strength of soils. 的 direct shear test is performed by placing a vertical load on the sample which is in a horizontally split box. 竖向荷载使试样固结后, 盒子的两半被相互“拉开”, 在载荷测量装置上测量剪切载荷的原因是什么. 一旦土壤被剪到它的抗剪强度, 出现故障,负载迅速下降. 在不同的垂直载荷下重复这个过程(通常是三次). 然后可以在图表上绘制“故障包络线”, 这使得工程师可以设计斜坡, 大坝, 基金会, 等.
的 direct shear test is used to assess what soil strength might be in a field situation where complete consolidation has occurred under the existing normal stresses. Failure is reached slowly under drained conditions so that excess pore pressures are dissipated. 的 results from several tests may be used to express the relationship between consolidation stress and drained shear strength. Direct shear testing is often used when trying to determine the shear strength of sandy materials.
直接剪切装置也可用于测量残余抗剪强度. Residual strength is the shear strength of the material that is exhibited after a failure (exceeding of initial shear strength) has occurred. 残余抗剪强度测试在地震易发地区具有重要意义. ASTM D30805和AASHTO T236涵盖了直接剪切试验.
洪堡全自动气动直剪机- HM-5760.3F是自动的, 气动加载直剪/残余直剪机, which utilizes pneumatic 加载 to automatically apply vertical loads to a soil sample, 消除了装载重量的需要.
洪堡半自动直剪机- HM-5755.3F提供利用气动载荷的直接剪切测试, 哪些是由位于前面板上的手动阀门控制,便于使用. 它提供与HM-5760相同的功能.除了负载是手动施加的.
洪堡自重直剪机- HM-5750系列自重直剪机, 有三种配置-模拟, 数字和手动压力表测量装置. 这些机器采用洪堡的触摸屏显示器进行测试控制.
洪堡直接剪切专用软件-洪堡在直接剪切特定应用中提供我们的NEXT软件, 哪个提供直接的剪切特定设置, 使用我们的测试设备操作和控制直剪测试过程. 该软件还提供了广泛的表示和报告功能
采购产品洪堡剪切箱,配件和替换零件-洪堡提供圆形和方形配置的剪切箱. We also provide weights for dead-weight setups and a complete offering of direct shear accessories and replacement parts for machines.
作为土力学测试团的一员, 洪堡 Triaxial Testing Systems provide state-of-the-art systems specifically designed to control and monitor triaxial testing, 如:未固结不排水(UU), 综合不排水(CU), 无侧限压缩, 固结排水(CD)测试. 这些测试涵盖以下ASTM标准:ASTM D2850, ASTM D2166和ASTM D4767. 洪堡提供了一个广泛的选择负载框架, 哪些可用于三轴测试应用. 洪堡的 Elite Series Load Frames provide the materials testing lab with a choice of three, highly-versatile and precision-built 加载 systems covering a range of testing applications.
的 hm - 5030 Masterloader is the workhorse of the group, capable of handling any testing need up to 50kN or 11,000磅力.
的 HM-5020三轴装载机 is a machine designed specifically for triaxial testing and other testing requirements up to 15kN or 3,000磅力.
的 HM-5040大装载机 is a heavy-duty machine capable of handling testing requirements up to 100kN or 22,000磅力.
洪堡也提供了 HM-2850多速装载机,一种简单,多用途的负载框架,可用于三轴试验. It is designed for those who want a high-quality load frame without built-in data acquisition capabilities or digital control accessories.
此外,我们的 三轴配电板 在自动和手动配置中. 与the连用 HM-5240.3F压力控制器, 洪堡 automated control panels provide an accurate and easy-to-operate solution for providing the controls necessary for distributing compressed air, 水, 在空气/水气囊式三轴测试系统中去空气水和真空.
我们也提供 FlexPanels, which provide an accurate and easy-to-operate solution for controlling compressed air, 水, de-aired 水 and vacuum without the need for air/水 bladder interfaces to produce the pressures necessary for triaxial testing. FlexPanels利用一组三个滴管来控制细胞, top cap and base pedestal pressures for a triaxial cell and can be configured to handle up to 6 triaxial cells.
Complete triaxial sample prep and triaxial test consumable 项目 are also available here. 这些产品可以帮助测试设置, 以及保持您的三轴测试程序不间断地运行.
洪堡的 下一个软件 为土壤力学测试应用程序提供测试专用软件程序. 的se programs include test software for Consolidation; Direct Shear; Unconsolidated Undrained (UU), Consolidated Undrained (CU); Unconfined Compression (UC) and Consolidated Drained (CD). 该软件提供机器控制, 校准, 土力学试验的监测和报告生成.